Is Fear Holding You Back In Your Career? 4 Strategies to Conquer Your Fear

Fear can be a powerful motivator – or a powerful detractor. Is fear holding you back from what you really want in your career? What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Would you advocate for the promotion? Would you finally take the leap and start your own business you have been thinking about? Would you decide to start your job search so you can stop dreading going to work every Sunday night?

Read on for 4 strategies to conquer fear in your career.

Identify the Source of Your Fear

Take some time to try to pinpoint the source of your fear. Why are you afraid to take the step forward you have been thinking about for so long? Did you try to take this step before and it didn’t work out? Often, people are afraid to change – even if the change may bring something better. Change brings unknown factors – even if you are not happy with your current situation, it is familiar, it is a known variable. 

Start With the Positive

Visualize a positive outcome for yourself. What would happen if you asked for what you wanted and got it? Or if you took that leap and were successful? How would you feel? Write down how it would feel to have the success of which you are dreaming. 

Just For a Minute – Imagine The Worst Case Scenario

Many times, the worst case scenario is not as bad as we have made it out to be in our heads. What if you advocate for a promotion and you don’t get it? What would happen? Likely, nothing big would change. You would probably start to think about whether you want to stay and look for another opportunity or if you would leave.

Sometimes, people are afraid to negotiate their salary in a job offer. What is the worst that happens if you negotiate and the company says they cannot give you more money? Probably the worst that happens is that you end up with the salary they originally offered – and you either decide to accept the offer or decide it’s too low and continue searching for another role. 

What if you found a new job and it was worse than the last? If you have been thorough in your search and the interview process, you will hopefully not find yourself in this situation. If for some reason it was a terrible fit, you can always leave.

Fast Forward

Think ahead one year from now. If your situation was exactly the same, would you regret not taking this step forward? 

What are you waiting for? Get out there and conquer your fear and achieve the career success you have been dreaming of. 

Need some help? Schedule a time to talk about how we can work together to help you conquer your career fears.